
Song by Pear Person Tackles Loneliness

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About the Creation

Pear Person Tackles Loneliness celebrated the creativity of communities in Haringey through the expressive artform of songwriting, showcasing a final song at Haringey Feast with musical accompaniment. 

About the Artist

The Pear Person Tackles Loneliness project, led by Justin Sicile, is an intergenerational project connecting communities that live side-by-side in Haringey who wouldn’t normally connect, but are facing similar barriers; isolation and economic hardship.

Justin Sicile  is a musician and songwriter delivering music and sing-along workshops in three supported housing schemes in North London. 

Through this experience, he has learnt about the residents themselves, witnessing the barriers they face daily, and seen how creativity can be harnessed to break down these walls. 

Justin is fully invested in using his musical skills to tackle loneliness and improve the physical and mental well-being of older and socially isolated individuals, running workshops in an accessible and inclusive way.

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About the Community

Through songwriting and singing workshops for the older community and children of the African Diaspora living in Tottenham, a moving, joyful and impactful song was created for the Haringey Feast

Through these musical workshops participants were able to connect, feel more joy, and experience a sense of discovery of something new and exciting. Which you can accomplish at any age!